The Agency for Gender Equality in cooperation with Kosovo Police as organized a Workshop in Municipality of Prizren

The Agency for Gender Equality in cooperation with Kosvo Police has organized a Workshop in Municipality of Prizren to address Istanbul convention and amendments in the Law for prevention and protection from Domestic Violence. It is an important step towards guarantee of human rights and their protection from gender based violence.
This cooperation between Police and Agency for Gender Equality is in accordance with international engagement and domestic laws to fight and prevent the domestic violence and gender based violence. The Regional Supervisors (Investigators) of Domestic Violence have an important role in investigating the perpetrators to face the justice so that the victims have support and needful protection.
This Workshop in cooperation between institutions is essential to create an environment where women and girls can live and work without fear form the violence and the violation of their rights. It is very important that this work shall continue and deepen in whole Kosovo to ensure an equal society and their right for all citizens,