AGE opens officially the campaign of 16 days of Activism by signing the agreement with private pre-school education institutions and Kindergartens registered as NGO-s. .
In occasion of opening the campaign of 16 Days of Activism, International Day to Eliminate the Violence towards Women, the Agency for Gender Equality with the Office of Prime Minister has signed the agreement of Benefiters of Fund -Financial Support of private pre-schooling institutions registered as NGO-s. Measure 10 Economic Recovery Program 2020.
On this occasion the CEO of Agency for Gender Equality, Edi Gusia stressed that the total package for economic recovery for Agency for Gender Equality is 1 Million Euro and there are 115 private Kindergartens in Kosovo level that have benefited from this assistance.
According to Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo Abdullah Hoti, “it is fact that we are having major gender differences in labor market that are going 1 to 4, where 4 times are male persons more privileged and represented in labor market more than women and this situation could be changed. All existing studies about importance of gender equality show that as long as societies are not equal, it is not only human right violation, but it is social and economic problem, because the half of economic, social potential etc., it is not put in function to develop society, therefor we all should engage towards this direction. By talking for impact of COVID 19 on economic development, with accent on enterprises that are managed by women. The Prime Minister Hoti said that today a circle of activities is concluded within the measure 10 for financial support for women in Business with 2 Million Euro, from which 1 Million will be allocated immediately and 1 Million till the end of this year”.
The Prime Minister Hoti promised that the Government of Republic of Kosovo will complete all legal and institutional obligations to prevent the violence towards women, as moral cause of society.
On behalf of private and public Kindergartens spoke Gëime Rexhepi- Çollaku, who stressed that with clousure of private and public Kindergarten in the month of July was a major damage happened, especially for private Kindergarten and we are facing the consequences of functioning.