Ballina | ABGJ

Women Organizations, Agency for Gender Equality and Partners from UN had the possibility to exchange their experiences with Mrs. Estehiwot Equale

Today, in a Morning Meeting with Women Organizations, Agency for Gender Equality and UN Partners had the possibility to exchange their experiences with Mrs. Estehiwot Equale. She is a Specialist at  UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) at UN Women HQ. Mrs. Equale was in her ...

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The Agency for Gender Equality has executed the measure from the Government of RKS. The Decision 04/197 (dated 29 March 2024). The Measure 1.7- the Grand Scheme for Handicrafts of Recovery Package

The Agency for Gender Equality as executed the undertaken measure from the Government of RKS, the Decision 04/197 (dated 29 March) 2024, the Measure 1.7- the grant Scheme for Handicrafts of the Economic Recovery Package has supported 31 families, women and girls, benefiting families who gained pension for their family members that are missing ...

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Today it was organized a Meeting in raw of the Group for Security and Gender (GSG) where the Members presented their current and future work in the field of Gender Equality

In this important Meeting of the Group for Security and Gender (GSG) led by Edi Gusia, D. Director of Agency for Gender Equality (AGE) and Vlora Nushi from Un Women, where activities were and work presented of the members of GSG in the field of gender equality and security. Nazlije ...

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Latest news

The Agency for Gender Equality in cooperation with Kosovo Police as organized a Workshop in Municipality of Prizren

10 June 2024

The Agency for Gender Equality in cooperation with Kosvo Police has organized a Workshop in Municipality of Prizren to address Istanbul convention and amendments in the Law for prevention and protection from Domestic Violence. It is an important step towards ...

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The Agency for Gender Equality/OPM with iniative of the Oficer for Gender Equality in Municipality of Fushë Kosova, Mrs Lindita Dervisholli has supported organizing the Workshop for Gender Responsible ...

31 May 2024

In this Workshop were present the Officers from Municipality of Fushë Kosova who were informed about the importance of GB, for integration of Gender Perspective in all phase of budget processes. The Gender Responsible Budget in in a powerful ...

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It was organized a Conference “Closing the Gender Gap in Kosovo”

22 May 2024

This Conference was organized by University of Prishtina/ Economic Faculty in cooperation with Agency for Gender Equality/OPM and support of UN Women. The Conference has brought together Researchers, Policy-Makers, Activists and Individuals who have passion about Gender Equality to ...

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