Today it was organized a discussion to promote the Book “Advance Entry in Feminist Economics” of the Author Joyce P. Jacobsen, translated into Albanian Language

The Translation of the Book and promoting table is a part of the cooperation agreement between the Agency for Gender Equality/OPM and UP/ Faculty of Economy in function of promoting the Gender Equality and empowering girls and women in Kosovo. The Book consists an excellent contribution to inform and аargument in science base the debate in society for importance of Gender Equality for individual and family as well as society.
The Book was translated by a group of Professors at the Faculty of Economics at University of Prishtina with support of Agency for Gender Equality and National Democratic Institute (NDI). On this occasion AGE has given to the Library of the Faculty of Economics 120 Copies of the Book “Advanced Entry n Feminist Economics” of the Author Joyce P. Jacobsen translated in Albanian Language as well as four Titles of Books.
Gender and Development, Rae Lesser Blumberg and Samuel R. Cohn 2019 (Two Copies)