Today it was organized a Meeting in raw of the Group for Security and Gender (GSG) where the Members presented their current and future work in the field of Gender Equality

In this important Meeting of the Group for Security and Gender (GSG) led by Edi Gusia, D. Director of Agency for Gender Equality (AGE) and Vlora Nushi from Un Women, where activities were and work presented of the members of GSG in the field of gender equality and security.
Nazlije Balaj, Counselor of Ministry of Justice presented in details the work and activities of Ministry of Justice, representatives of UN Women discussed recommendations of CSW 68 and Bejjing 30. By bringing light over the global leaders for gender equality. Ermira Murati presented awareness initiatives of Breast Cancer by raising the awareness for important health issues.
Kate Griffiths presented in her last research over the Based Violence and Gender by bringing light in challenges and possibilities of further actions. While Odeta from ATRC presented with courage the project PIAKOS which aims to build a save and equal environment for all gender.
This meeting was a good possibility to identify the fields where it is needed a close cooperation, to share resources and experience as well as to plan future activities in a manner to strengthen aims of group and share the information which helps to coordinate the attempts to fulfill the aims of the group to enhance their impact in society.