The Agency for Gender Equality has executed the measure from the Government of RKS. The Decision 04/197 (dated 29 March 2024). The Measure 1.7- the Grand Scheme for Handicrafts of Recovery Package
The Agency for Gender Equality as executed the undertaken measure from the Government of RKS, the Decision 04/197 (dated 29 March) 2024, the Measure 1.7- the grant Scheme for Handicrafts of the Economic Recovery Package has supported 31 families, women and girls, benefiting families who gained pension for their family members that are missing since the war in total amount of 119,460.00 Euro.
This support will have impact on economic empowerment of women and girls of these families that conducting activities in agriculture, farming, honeybees, poultry, handicrafts, cultural heritage, etc.
This supporting initiative in bazed on National Platfomra of Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 of third pillar and is dedicated exclusively execution of Convention “ Women, Peace and Security” which acknowledge the civilain victims affected by war and also to the category of families that have missing family members.