Women Organizations, Agency for Gender Equality and Partners from UN had the possibility to exchange their experiences with Mrs. Estehiwot Equale
Today, in a Morning Meeting with Women Organizations, Agency for Gender Equality and UN Partners had the possibility to exchange their experiences with Mrs. Estehiwot Equale. She is a Specialist at UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) at UN Women HQ.
Mrs. Equale was in her Mission in Kosovo by visiting UN Trust Fund Guarantee and Partners at Un Women in Kosovo.
The Meeting was focused on stimulating the cooperation and dialogue between Women Organizations and other Partners by ensuring that our collective efforts towards gender equality and empowring of women will be effective and have impact.
Kosovo – Women 4 Women, Medica Kosovo, Medica Gjakova, Jahjaga Foundation, IPKO Foundation, KRCT- Kosovo Rehabilitation Center for Torture of Victims, Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister, UN TEAM- UNMIK- United Nations Mission in Kosovo.