Report regarding monitoring of Written, Electronic and Visual Media during 16 Days of Activism

December 17, 2014

The Agency for Gender Equality within the Office of Prime Minister aside of other organizations within its mandate, Law on Gender Equality and requests derived by approved policies by the Government of Republic of Kosovo that promote and guarantee the gender equality in Kosovo, during awareness campaign of 16 Days of Activism has monitored written, electronic and visual media as how much space was given to women and which subjects were discussed during these days.

During monitoring it was noticed that mainly portals and newspaper were those who gave space to women and the majority it was the domestic violence. Also, aside of previous years, this year we have awareness of population regarding reporting the cases of domestic violence.

Based on report send by the company which has conducted the media monitoring, the TV stations that have reported regarding the subject of domestic violence  it revealed that Kohavision has the largest minutes of monitoring with 24 broadcasts and 766 seconds, than Klan Kosova with 24 broadcasting of 766 seconds and Radio Television of Kosovo with 10 broadcasting, 321 minutes. As far as newspaper is concerned which discussed the phenomenon of domestic violence, the newspaper Koha Ditore is having six subjects, then Kosova Sot and Tribuna with three subjects, Zëri with two subjects and Bota Sot and Epoka e Re with one subject. 

While, as far as electronic portals is concerned that have reported during 16 days of activism, they can be found in the following links: