AGE has launched the 16 Days Activation Campaign with the Final Report on the Implementation of the United Nations Resolution Action Plan 1325
On the launch of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Gender Equality Agency within the Office of the Prime Minister marked the opening of this campaign with the presentation of the Final Report on the Implementation of the Resolution Action Plan of the United Nations 1325.
Mrs. Edi Gusia u.d. of the Executive Chief of the Agency for Gender Equality after welcoming the participants emphasized that "The Agency for Gender Equality in the opening of the 16-day activism campaign today presents the report of the action plan of the United Nations Resolution 1325, which was approved by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in 2014. The report includes the second assessment made on the Action plan, and this also shows the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to ensure a peaceful life for all women," emphasized Ms. Gusia.
Concerning the implementation of the third pillar of Action Plan 1325 Responsibilities and Obligations, spoke Minister of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW) Mr. Arban Abrashi. Mr. Abrashi emphasized that, "The greatest burden regarding the responsibilities and obligations of the third pillar of the implementation of the Action Plan for Resolution 1325 is carried out by the MLSW separately after the transfer of competencies from the Office of the Prime Minister to the MLSW with regards to the establishment of the commission for recognition and verification of victims of sexual violence during the KLA war.” Mr. Abrashi further emphasized that "The regulation on the recognition of the status of victims of violence has been approved, but there are also other acts which include different assistance from other institutions. It should be noted that your report, which will be presented today, shows that the legislation is now complete,” emphasized Mr. Abrashi.
Mrs. Mexhide Mjeku Topalli - Member of the Commission for Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons and Petitions - stressed that "women's participation in political parties and decision-making, has still room for improvement, she stressed" that we as a Human Rights Commission have monitored the Law on Gender Equality and made some recommendations that have been approved by the Assembly of Kosovo, and it is now expected that the government will implement those changes.” In addition, Mrs. Mjeku Topalli emphasized that she believes “that in the following years the participation of women in decision-making will be even greater than it has been up until now."
Mrs. Flora Macula - from UNWOMEN emphasized that it is brilliant that the 16-day activism campaign starts with this activity and that such activity affects motivates us to work towards a common position for the 2030 agenda. She also emphasized that such activity and other similar activities directly affect gender equality in Kosovo. In the end, Ms. Flora Macula thanked AGE for coordinating all tasks and stressed that UNWOMEN will continue to support unreservedly in all areas.
Ms. Visare Gorani Gashi (SIDA) spoke on behalf of the Ambassador of Sweden, who through Mrs. Visare Gorani Gashi expressed gratitude for such an event and gave information about similar programs that are being supported in Kosovo. She emphasized that during the evaluation of Swedish government programs it was noted that most of the issues at hand are related to Gender Equality, "The Swedish Government congratulates the AGE, governmental institutions and civil society who are contributing to gender equality", emphasized Ms. Gorani-Gashi.
Mrs. Ardiana Gashi - in the capacity of Consultant, presented the final report on the implementation of the Action Plan under United Nations Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security". The report shows where we have progress and stagnation in implementing the Action Plan.
At the end of the event the short video story on “Countering violence against women” was shown.