Agency for Gender Equality in OPM has organized the event “Girls in innovation and change”.

March 08, 2019
The Agency for Gender Equality, Office of PM in cooperation with IPKO Foundation with UN Women, UNKT and UNICEF mark 8 March, International Women’s Day with occasion “Girls in Innovation for change”
This event had the aim to collect girls form class 6, 9 and 10 in different Municipalities of Kosovo to take part in one day activity to fulfill with creative workshop and inspiring speeches
In this occasion this activity was saluted by chief executive of Agency foe Gender Equality Edi Gusia by stressing that we are gathered today to mark 8 March in 108 year of marking of this date, that for some it can be looked as far history but fortunately for your generation is very long, but not so that can pass without knowing as why it marked and still it is needed to be marked?
8 March is not a date to celebrate with flowers, but it is date to remember and evaluate the sacrifice and work of all those women activists in whole world that in last 108 years contributed with their activism for rights that we today as women and girls enjoy historically women and girls have enjoyed in whole world and in many countries they don’t enjoy.
The freedom of woman was won when the right of vote and labor was recognized and the last meeting today has the aim to encourage your future orientation as professionals, sciences and innovators.
I am very pleased that I can directed an audience, because usually the speeches to promote gender right are developed with audience that are at the same age with organizers and I do not have many times possibility to direct to you directly, the hope and future of our country, because you are the hope and future of Kosovo
By following your dream, for professions hat you will develop in future you will contribute in the future of our country. In attempts to fulfill your dream you fulfill your rights and the right that are not for granted but it is needed continuously seriousness, commitment and passion. And when we speak about work, commitment and passion, the science I build in these principals and tese principals should lead in selection of your future professions.
The education, employment creates a free and progressive individual and this should protect you girls in step with development trends, healthy life and free future far from situation of violence and missuses. Therefore, a prior awareness should be devoted to qualitative education and values they promote, education, cultural and social values. This is not depending only of school programs, programs for economic empowerment, but there are many factors that are linked and have impact and media is one of main factors (especially by knowing the importance that they play in the life of young population) through stereotypes that they create, and the gab that they reflect if they don’ t promote gender equality, diversity and if they have discriminating approach and they haven’t promoted models, ultimately I say that they are wrong “success” at young girls.
It is time to orient to create a new opinion in our culture by offering space for values, equal opportunities by including more boys in the process of education for gender equality and a the same time to promote at girls competition spirit and advancement based on values. The legislation is first step which guarantee equal treatment, but competition based on values and qualities by motivating young girls to be more active and to take part with higher intensity in science and development processes of society which is our common aim.
I wish that today’s meeting will be inspiring to work for your drams ad represent science, because the science is powerful tool that during centuries challenged the mentality of inequality, stressed in her speech Mrs. Gusia.
This activity was completed with financial support of SIDA.