Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister in a scope of campaign 16 Days of Activism-International Campaign to eliminate the Violence towards Women has presented the preliminary data of two research and Monitoring and assessing report of Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2021
The Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister in closing campaign of 16 Days of Activism, International Campaign to Eliminate the Violence towards Women in execution of Law for Gender Equality in May 2020 has drafted Kosovo Program for Gender Equality and has presented achieved results, the level of execution of Kosovo Program for Gender Equality for period 2020-2021.
These data were collected from Institutions of RKS, civil society and international partners who were working together to achieve the aims decided in action plan of this program.
From these data which were presented today by the Agency it was sees that there is progress form 66% of level of execution of action plan of this program. The monitoring data will serve to the Agency to fulfill and draft the new Plan of Action of KPGE.
The Chief of Executive of Agency for Gender Equality has presented two years data for monitoring and assessment report of Kosovo Program for Gender Equality and it is planned in three pillars.
According to Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo Mr. Albin Kurti, Kosovo Program for Gender Equality was approved in May 2020 in a pandemic period. Through gender integration in this package it was supported the employment of women that have benefited 3500 women and 1400 Business. We have supported business that are owned by women and amount of subsidies was nearly half million Euro. In Agriculture for 2021 are allocated subsidies for 1325 women wo have benefited for children allowances and 23 Thousand for Women after birth.
While the Deputy Prime Minister of Internal Affairs Bardhyl Dobra said that the representation of women in civil service is very law, and the figures are worrying. In high managerial position, women consist 19% of employment while only 16% in the medium managerial level.
While, the Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports-Daulina Osmani assessed the work of all who work in empowerment of girls and women. They are main pillar for social values.
The Agency for Gender equality in immediate execution of Kosovo program for Gender Equality and Action Plan 2020-2024, respectively the strategic objective 3- advancing and completion of decision-making rights peace, security and justice, guarantee to achieve the gender equality and has supported completion of research “The Role of Women in decision-making positions in private and public sector”, completed by Ri-Invest Institute as “Gender Stereotypes and barriers which impede the equal approach in sports”- completed by Kosovo Center for Gender Studies.