The Rector of Univesity of Prishtina Prof. Dr. Qerim Qerimi along with Pro-rector for internationalization and academic exchange Prof. Dr. Arta Basha-Jakupi met in the meeting the representatives of Agency for Gender Equality/ Offcie of Prime Minister
The Rector of Univesity of Prishtina Prof. Dr. Qerim Qerimi along with Pro-rector for internationalization and academic exchange Prof. Dr. Arta Basha-Jakupi met in the meeting the representatives of Agency for Gender Equality/ Offcie of Prime Minister, the Chief of Excutive Edi Gusia, Chief of Cooperation Department Shpresa Zariqi to monitor and report form Agenczyfor Gender Equality, Albana Lumi.
In this meeting were dicussed the initiatives wich aim reduction of gender inequalities in different fields of Higher Education, as well as challenges wich women are affecting in Univesity and to identify the different positive possibilities.