With initiative by National Democratic Institute and in cooperation with Agency for Gender Equality/OPM and support by USAID and the Agency for Development and Cooperation from Switzerland (SDC) from 08 September until 12 September it is organized Summer School about Gender, Economy and Policies
The Summer School for Gender, Economy and Policies is five days program that has brought together 25-30 Students and new Leaders in a multiethnic Environment 18 to 19 Years interested to increase the knowledge about gender, economy and policies by encouraging network among participants with different political point of view. Through lectures, seminars and discussions, the participants came to know with concepts and main theories of feminist economy and as how genders impact on system and economic results.
In one of Summer School over Gender, Economy and Policies in University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka” it was present also the Prime Minister of Kosovo Mr. Albin Kurti, who under the leadership of D. chief of Executive of Agency for Gender Equality Edi Gusia had a opened discussion with Students who had the possibility to listen for gender situation of gender equality in the country to include the gender perspective in Government Policies, etc.
During these days, it was presented the second book translated in Albanian language with subject “Advance Entry of feminist Economics” of the Author Joyce Jacobsen as continuance of cooperation with Faculty of Economy.