Supported by USAID, the Agency for Development and Cooperation from Switzerland, The Canadian Embassy in Croatia and Kosovo and the Agency for Gender Equality have e closed the second edition of Week of Woman (WoW).
More than 120 participants that come from political parties, civil society, private sector and Academia have graduated.
The edition this year was focused on discussion to create equal and all-inclusive policies for all, with participants that are actively engaged with Public Officers in opening and closing conferences and five municipal debates organized in Kosovo. Week of Woman is the largest inter-party platform in the region with more than 1000 Students having inter- ethnical background. This edition of Week of Woman was supported by USAID. The Agency for Development and Cooperation from Switzerland, the Embassy in Croatia and Kosovo as well as the Agency for Gender Equality. Together we are shaping the equal future for Kosovo.
The remarks of closing conference of Week of Woman 2023 will be handed over by the Ambassador Nancy Soderberg- Resident Director of NDI in Kosovo, Edi Gusia- Acting Chief of Executive of Agency for Gender Equality from Republic of Kosovo and Laura Nichols- Ex Director.