The Agency for Gender Equality within the Office of Prime Minister in accordance with its mandate and Kosovo Program for Gender Equality, today has organized a meeting in occasion for marking 08 March- International Women’s Day

Under the moto “Together for Equality” we call for solidarity and unity and protection of rights of women and girls all over the world. In this meeting were discussed the needful approach and the manner to increase the impact and enforce the role of women in processes and agendas of seocio-economic development of the country. So the aim is a sustanable sociala tranformation, where women have active and have ascertain role.
On opening remarks, The D. Executive Director of Agency for Gende Equaliy- Edi Gusia stressed that marking 08 March joins in a common cause to evaluite and rember the contribution of all women and girls that with a work, commitment, protest, peaceful resistance and not only, activism, contibuted nad are contributing in building the peace, institutions and democtracy for the future of this country.
She stresed that this year, the Republic of Kosovo has marked 20 Years of the first law for gender equality, which had impact on changing the social, economic and cultural landscape of the country by sppeding up the process as the whole global moto of 08 March.
In 20 Years of the Law, we express deep graditute and apriciation the act of all womenn and girls in Kosovo who lived nad are living a important time to make the history and to be a part of history. They, not only lived in a important time, but they made a history, they were art of our history by giving a extra-ordinary contribution in many fields.
Through a untiring attempts and engagement in all field of life, they contributed in developing the economy of country, by working with commitment and in very difficult circumstances by leting un-compering marks in fomal and non-formal economy. Except that, they are active reresentatives in political and public domain. They have served in public admionistration, they were part of Enterprises and they tried without rest to harmonize proffessional and private life through creation and cultivation of values of tolerance, incusion and social calmness. Kosovo Women and Girls have contributed for a better social einviroment and have helped in maintainig and buiding the peace. Their contribution was extra-ordinary and deserves respect and our common graditute.
The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Albin Kurti told to the participanst that our aim for equlaity and Justice has no alternative. Feminst policies are protecting and advancing the democracy even today. They have on the political was, becasue now there is no daubt that these two can walk only together. This is the country that we are working every day. We are democrats but also feminists. This is proven with our policies and our readyness to enrich those everz day. We have said even before and we are showing that in each deprtament we have undertaken mesures to improve and easy the life and the experience of women and girls. With these addittinals, loans, grants, vaccinnes, banking accounts and measures for employment and punishing the violators, we are encoraging women aband we walked on the line with demands for the time.
While, the Minister of Justice-Albulena Haxhiu stressed that the main problem that girls and women in Republic of Kocovo are facing is lack of their economic independance. During the visit on the shellters we have noticed many girls and women that shelltered and are unemployed.
So, one of the main problem is lack of economic independence which has bound them to tolerate the violence becuse they don’t have where to go. In December 2023, with the Days of Activism it was lauched the measure to employ the victims of dometic violence. Also, we were informed bout the stepts that shellters and centers for socila work should undertake. Up to now, 10 Women have applied this measure and all are in the process to benefit from this program.
As Meeting was countinuing with first panel, where participant were Jubilea Kabashi- Director at Center for Shellterin Women and Children in Prizren, Hasime Tahiri- Director at the NGO- Possibility, Mirlinda Sada form Medica-Gjakova, while on the second panel were Avni Zogiani, D. Minister of Finance, Labour and Transfers. Gresa Kamberi- Specialts of Recruitment in “Gjirafa”, Ferdane Asllani- Director if Education Center of Balcans Sunflowers and Agnesa Shipoli-Nika, Director of Kindergarden “NINA”.