The Summer School over Gender, Economy and Policies: Education and Networking for New Leaders
For the second year in the raw, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in cooperation with Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister (OPM) with support from the United States Agency for International Aid (USAID) and the Agency for Development and Cooperation from Switzerland (SDC) has organized a Summer School for Gender, Economy and Policies.
This five days program was organized from 27 till 31 August and collected 30-35 Students and Young Leaders from 18 to 29 years old in a multi-ethnic environment. The participants had the possibility to develop their knowledge over gender issues, economy and policies, while at the same time they were encouraged to increase the participation with other participants with different political point of view. The Program included lessons, seminars and much discussion by offering a platform for exchange of ideas and experiences.
The opening of School was done by Valon Kurhasani, Senior D. Director of NDI along with Edi Gusia, Acting Executive Director of AGE/OPM and Armand Krasniqi, Rector of University “Haxhi Zeka” in Peja. While, on the discussions the Students participated also Arberie Nagavci-Minister of Education, Science and Technology and Jeta Statovci- Deputy and Deputy President of Commission for Economy, Industry, Enterprise and Trade in Kosovo Assembly,
To support further the education of students, the Agency for Gender Equality gave award 35 Copies of the book in Albanian Language “Advanced Entry of Feminist Economy” of the author Joyce Jacbsen for the participants of this summer school. This book offers to the students a deep sight of feminist economy by stressing the importance of gender perspective in economy and policy-making