Today, ended the Summer Scholl for “Gender, Economy and Policies”
Today, ended the Summer School for “Gender, Economy and Policies”, a joint organization from National Democratic Institute (NDI) with Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister. This is a second edition of this Summer School. This year 28 Students participated from different ethnic background.
This organization was having the aim to increase the knowledge of participants for the role of women in the economy of country, assessment for the unpaid contribution of women, gender gab in payment and impact of women in informal labor market. During this program, the participants had the possibility to follow the presentations form the persons on the floor from domestic and international universities.
The Agency for Gender Equality and NDI thanked to all who contributed in the success of organization, the people on the floor, University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka” and the Rector Mr. Krasniqi and especially PhD Adriana Gashi, lecturer of the subject “Gender Economics” at the Economic Faculty of University of Prishtina, who has followed closely the work of the students in Summer School.
After presentation of final work, the students were awarded with Certificates