Study Visit in Croatia- Lessons learned for Gender Integration in the Process of EU Membership
From 09 until 11 September 2024 a delegation consisted of Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister, Secretary at Ministry of Internal Affairs, Secretary at Ministry of Justice, Director of Kosovo Institute for Public Administration, representatives of the Office for cooperation and Development as well as Experts of the Office for Strategic Planning and Coordination on Stabilization Association Process had a study visit in Zagreb, Croatia.
The visit was organized in cooperation with UN Women, supporter and organizer of the process and the Project/ Instrument for Gender Equality (GEF), financed by European Union. This visit aims to exchange the experiences and successful practices in Croatian Institutions in central and local level by stressing the gender perspective in membership process in European Union.
In this three days trip, the Kosovo Delegation was engaged in many meetings with Officers and Croatian Expertise to gain valuable lessons for gender The Meeting were included:
- The Director of Government Office with NGO-s, who shared practices over support of organization of civil society in advancing the gender equality.
- The Chief of Office for Gender Equality of Republic of Croatia who stressed those Croatian policies have guaranteed gender equality in national level.
- The Ombudswoman for Gender Equality, who treated the role to protect the gender rights in Croatia and challenges which are linked with this process.
- The Directory for European Issues, International Cooperation, Judiciary and Anticorruption at the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, where it was discussed over inclusion of gender issues in the frame of reform in EU.
During the second day of the visit the focus was on:
- The Department for Transformation of Knowledge at Ministry of External and European Affairs to understand as how Croatia has its experience in inclusion of gender perspective in other European institution.
- The Director for Strategic Planning and Coordination of EU Funds where it was discussed the importance of gender equality in allocation of EU Funds for regional development.
- The Commission of Gender Equality of the City of Zagreb who shared the successful experiences in local level by promoting the rights of women,
- The European Commission for Gender Equality in Croatia, where it was discussed about the challenges and possibilities of gender situation in European level.
This Study Visit is a important step to advance the gender equality in Kosovo by pulling out the lessons from the country that has passed through a successful process of Membership in European Union with gender equality as a core of its reform.