It was presented the Final Report of Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024

Today, at Kosovo Government Building it was presented a final report to assess the Kosovo Program for Gender Equality (KPGE) for the period 2020-2024. The meeting was organized by the Agency for Gender Equality (AGE) within the Office of Prime Minister. The meeting brought together Senior Government Officers and International Representatives to discuss the results and challenges of this program.
The meeting was opened by Edi Gusia-acting Executive Director of AGE, who stressed the importance of this report to advance the gender equality in Kosovo. She also presented the main findings of the report which is focused on three main fields: 1. Economic Empowerment and Social Welfare- the aim is to create equal possibilities to contribute and to gain from economic development and improvement of social welfare, 2) Human Development and the Roles on Gender Relations- Advancing the gender equality through education, inclusiveness and wiping the gender inequality and stereotypes, 3) The Women’s Rights, Access on Justice and Security: Promoting the rights of women in decision making, peace, security and justice to achieve the gender equality.
On his addressing the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Albin Kurti evaluated the progress that has been made and stressed that the today’s report shows the common work is improved for harmed groups. He mentioned downing the unemployment as one of success to execute this program by underlining that according to the data of the Statistical Office of Kosovo (SOK), the unemployment was decreased from 25% to 10 %from 2021 until the end of 2023. At the group of unemployed men was decreased from 24 % to 7.9%, while women from 29.7 % to 17.2 %.
Among invited people was also Mrs. Albulena Haxhiu-Minister of Justice, Mr. Arsim Ademi-Deputy Minister at MEST, Mr. Getoar Mjeku Deputy Minister, where discussed over the role of institutions that they represent over the execution of the poliicies for gender equality.
The final report of KPGE for the period 2020-2024 was supported by the project “Gender Equality Facility” executed by UN Women in Kosovo and financed by European Union. The report identified the achievement made, the challenges and offered recommendation for further improvement of policies of gender equality in Kosovo.