The Agency for Gender Equality within the Office of Prime Minister in cooperation Kosovo Center for Gender Studies have organized a regular consultation meeting, the seventh in the raw of the high level with institutional actors, experts and representatives of civil society
The Agency for Gender Equality within the Office of Prime Minister in cooperation with Kosovo Center for Gender Studies have organized a regular consultation meeting, the seventh in the raw of the high level with institutional actors, experts and representative of civil society. The meeting was organized in the verge of Beejing Platforma- 24 Years of Resolution 1325 for Women, Peace and Security.
The Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 was approved by the Government of Republic of Kosovo that put the issue of women participation in political and public life-one of main strategic objectives. In accordance with objectives that are coming from this program, the Agency in cooperating with Center aim to bring under attention the position of women in political and public life from combined perceptive.
Even though Kosovo has national legislation that advances, protects and promotes the women rights, in practice they are still facing many challenges in enjoying and use of these rights. One of the Obstacles is still the patriarchal mentality which is routed deep into society, which still impedes the advancement of a good gender equality.
Many times the women have no equal access in decision making positions, in labor market and I public life, despite that they consist half o population of the country. This situation is reflected also in public life, where women are facing pre-judgement and sexism which impedes to them to be included and to gain equal support with men in politics. This un-equality is also visible in the process where they demand active inclusion and contribute, as those for peace which are passing in Republic of Kosovo.
The Aim of this consultation meeting is development of a open and essential discussion over the challenges to advance the gender equality in the country. It is necessary the critical analyzation of attempts of institutional state actors, civil society, political party, media and international community within the process and important reforms that Kosovo is passing.
The Opening of the Meeting was done by Edi Gusia –Acting Executive Director of the Agency for gender Equality and Luljeta Demolli-Director of the Kosovo Center for Gender Studies.
While occasion remarks held Saranda Bogujevci -Vice President of Kosovo Assembly and Cyprien François- Political Advisor at EU Office.
Part of Panel was also Emilja Rexhepi- Counselllor at Ministry of Justice, Nazlije Balaj, Ruzhica Simič-Director of Non-Government organization “The Women Rights”, and Igo Rugova form Women Group Network.