The Women Network for Higher Education in cooperation withAgency for Gender Equality and UN Women have organized a one day workshop to plan activates form WNSHE (Women Network in Science and Higher Education
The Women Network in Science and Higher Education in cooperation with Agency for Gender Equality and UN Women have organized one day workshop to plan activities from WNSHE for 2020.
The Aim of Women Network in Science and Higher Education is to promote and support girls and women in academia, science and leadership advancement in promoting the science work, research and leadership with aim to achieve their full potential and a successful career to support girls and women in development of their academic and science career through professional development of network activities and promoting the cooperation, tom promote the role of girls and academic women in education by putting in direct connection through women in science, education and organization that are dealing in advancement of gender equality and policymakers in all institutional levels.
Participants iin the Workshop were Initiating Group of WNSHE, Agency for Gender Equality, Representatives form Rectors Conference. U Women Kosovo, Women in Academia and Higher Eductiion, as well as represnttives from HERAS Project,
This workshop had the aim to draft harmonize the activities of network for 2020.
This workshop was completed with support from SIDA Financial Funds