AGE received a delegation of Kosovo Women Organization for Rural Development
-At AGE Premises a delegation of Organization Network for Rural Development of Kosovo was received with its representative Edisona Franca. She is a Coordinator at the Project for Gender Equality and Youth in NGO “Organization Network for Rural Development in Kosovo”- ONRDK and Leutrim Gërmizi, Coordinator of Organizations Network for Rural Development. The delegation was received by Chief of Executive Edi Gusia and Chief of Cooperation Department Shpresa Zariqi.
The representatives of Organizations Network for Rural Development of Kosovo informed that ONRDK is a establishing member of Balkans Network for Rural Development (BNRD), then is a member of Partnership for Rural Europe (European Network for Rural Development-PREPARE) as a member of European Rural Parliament (European Rural Parliament). It was also stressed that the mission of Network is to promote and develop relationship and partnership between different sectors of rural community in Kosovo through advocating activities that aim sustainable rural development in Kosovo, through advocating activities that aim to sustainable rural development. The Network has membership of considerable number of women societies that aim to empower women and promote gender equality.
In this meeting, Chief Executive of AGE Edi Gusia informed the guests about the history, work, activity, success and challenges that are expected to be developed in the future during completion of plan and AGE activities.
In this meeting it was agreed to establish cooperation between AGE and NGO “Organization Network for Rural Development in Kosovo- ONRDK.