Media Comunique- To respect the Law on Gender Equality for equal representation 50% on Parlimantary Election on 14 February 2021
The Agency for Gender Equality (AGE) of Republic of Kosovo reminds political subject which are on election campaign race in Februarz 2021 to respect the execution of Law for Gender Equality in Kosovo, Article 6, point 8 for equal representation in all legislative bodies with 50% (Fifty precent) representation for eacht gender. The Agency reminds political subjects that equal representation in legislative decision making of a country is immediate reflection and execution and enables the Kosovo Constitution which says “Republic of Kosovo ensures gender equality as basic value for democratic development of society, equal possibilities and participation of women and men in political, economic, social, cultural and other fields of social life.
Gender Equality is reflected through equal participation 50% for each gender, it is a basic value to build a democratic society. The principle 50% should be present in election lists for equal representation by respecting affirmative measure, programs of political parties and concrete proposals for participation, representation and equal and qualitative development among gender, socio-economic empowerment of women, and stimulating the participation of women and men for voting in Kosovo.
Also, AGE reminds that exact execution of LGE 50 % that at the moment of formation of Assembly, the gender quota should be executed to those candidates women who have ensured their vote, but from the first candidate woman (within each party), who didn’t gain enough vote, in order that the composition of Assembly to reflect 50% representation. To achieve real equality and enjoy full human rights, the changes should be concrete, fast, determinative, visible and all inclusive. Therefore, all should contribute and mark progress which is obliged by Kosovo Legal Framework and European Future which we are aiming. The principal of equal representation of 50 % for each gender should be reflected in election supervision bodies-Municipal Election Commissions and Pulling station Councils. Also, political subject should be fully engaged to ensure financial support for campaign of women candidates equally like men candidates in accordance with Law on Gender Equality, Law to Finance Political Parties and Law on Election in Republic of Kosovo. AGE reminds political subjects that during election campaign in language used in meeting with electorate, programs and electoral promises, promoting materials of political subjects which prevent sexual, violent language and gender stereotypes.The Agency for Gender Equality calls media to offer equal space for women candidates to present their program.Media presentation is of special importance for election campaign, especially at pandemic situation where the possibility to have access on electorate is supported in media presentation. The media space should be accessible for all candidates without distinction on gender. To build the society with democratic value which works for social harmony through promotion of values and principals of gender equality which contributes peace can be achieved through consensus, dialogue, respect for diversity of opinion, ideological, gender, ethnic and cultural affiliation, respecting the rights and freedoms of individual. Also, we remind that based on Law for Gender Equality-2015, Article 5 point 2 which states that “Each provision which is against the principal of equal treatment according to Law should be abrogated“.