Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister has marked 8 March, International Women’s Day by signing the agreement with small businesses of women, who have benefit from the Recovery Economic Program 2021, Phase 11, and Measure
On occassion of 08 March, International Womens Day, the Agency for Gender Equality within the Office of Prime Miniter has signed the Agreeement with Benefitians of Fund “ Financial Support for projects and initiatives which aim to empower the role of Woman in society and economy- Economic Recovery Program 2021”, measure 4, Economic Recovery Program 2020. The Chief of executive at Agency for Gender Equality in OPM, Mrs Edi Gusia in opening remarks said that the package for economic recovery at the situation that we are facing has helped women bussineses. According to her, 1 Million Euro have been allocated and Benefitians of bussinesses are run by womeen and NGO-s who have fullfilled conditions and criterias foreseen in this Announcement.
While, the Prime Minister on duty of Republic of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti, stressed that the second phase of support for women will be continual in manner that will create independence and sustanability.
She said that the Goverment of Kosovo has allocated means for 10 Shellters with aim to make a part of regular budgetary planning. This will continue onward, dispite changes that happen. To empower women in economy, and to eliminate the violence towards women in society. This year through Agency we have worked a lot during two months of this year. We have designed what is known as Measure 4 in close cooperation with Agency. The Measure foreseen of 1 Million is targeted to go in two directions, through direct financial assistance for small businesses and different individual initiatives the directly have impact in business of women and other non-governmental organizations, said Prime Minister Hoti.
At the end of meeting, the Agreeeemnet was signed with Women who own businness and benefitians of this measure.