The first meeting of the Coordination Group for the drafting of the Kosovo Program for Gender Equality was held
The Agency for Gender Equality organized the first meeting of the Coordination Group tasked with drafting the Kosovo Program for Gender Equality. The meeting was opened by Ms. Edi Gusia, Chief Executive of the Agency for Gender Equality, who welcomed the participants and introduced them with the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo for the establishment of working groups for the drafting of the Program.
Following Ms. Gusia’s introduction, the word passed to Mrs. Blerinda Idrizi, Project Leader for "Institutional Strengthening of AGE and Gender Mechanisms in Kosovo", a project funded by the Swedish Government - Sida and implemented by the Niras Consortium, Indevelop, DADA.
Mrs. Idrizi presented to the members of the working group the methodology for drafting the Kosovo Program for Gender Equality. In the coming weeks, working groups consisting of about 60 participants, representatives of Kosovo institutions, Civil society, and the international community will start working on the draft.
The Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Munir Basha also participated in the meeting. Mr. Basha has recently been appointed National Coordinator for the Strategy on Domestic Violence.