The Agency for Gender Equality within the Office of Prime Minister in coopreation with Kosovo Center for Gender Studies has organized high level consultative meeting with subject “participation of Women in Labour Market”
In this Meeting, the Chief Executive of Agency for Gernder Equality Mrs. Edi Gusia said that non-particpation in Labour Market leaves Women far form development and this obstacles Kosovo Economy to go on the normal path of development. “Women still have a low participation and representation in labor market and decision making proceses, because the cultural norms and gedner stereotypes reflects on career orientation till the lack of institutional practices to create the sapce and to stimulate the participation of women in labor market. Policies to balance the work and life for women, creation, execution and adequate finance of policies in creating a new paradigma of economy of care, economy that weights on the shoulders of women and girls in promoting of women in career.
The hesitation in his circle of obligations and permanent engagement to balance their obligation work-home unenables their full participation in employment, public life, their realisation as individuals and will as well as wich that are not less then a pure human rights.
According to her the increase of gender unequality is determination of powerty and lack of orientation and engagement of women and girls of all age in specific sector with high potential in employment, which unables them to pass the gab of powerty. Women continues to be engaged in service sector with law Wages and informality.
We should see the poassibility to undertake the initiative for private bussiness which engage women and girls in programs of practical work for the period of education by supporting and helping to profilized and these programs to be followed with monitoring programs where women support women.
It is necesasay to support women to establish professional societies in a manner hat they would exchange their knowledge, to loby to ensure the market and to ensuree sustanability for bussiness wich are run by them eventhough the number is small and at the same time we encuare the in higher participation in public life to share experiences as an asset that would enrich the economy of country.
While, Luljeta Demolli, Executive Director of Kosovo Center for Gender Studies said that Kkosovo has the lowest participation of women in labor market in the whole Balcans. In first six months 2021, the number of inactive number of women was increased. High Figures of unemplyment of women should that the labor market remains unfavorable for women. The Employment should happen also for other marginazlied-groups.
“A Woman wants to works with salary but it is difficult due to lack of Kindergarten. Only 6 percent of children go to Kindergarten”.
Demolli has mentioned some segments in which is demanadet reflection as unemployment of young women, expelling from market, then it should be empowered economic, legal policies. One of them mentioned by her is a change of partiarcal mentality which is expresseed in society.
The Problems as far as the approach of women in labor market are present also in Nedelands according to Robert Farla, who is In-charge of Embassy of Nederlands in Prishtina “ 65 Precent of Women are working in our country he said, but only 29 percent have full working shedule compared to 83 percent of men. We are champion of provisional work in Holland. Women the largest work perform at Home, the care of proffesional work. The Goverment of Nederalds cooperates with Municipalities to increase the number of women in labor market”, said Farla. On the other side he mentioned the proffessional experience in regard to subject of discussion”. I am the first diplomate that has taken Paternity Leave, because the wife was working. When I insisted , I made the revolution because it opened path for my collegues”.
The Chief of Parlamentary Group of Vetëvendosje “Selfdetermintaion”, Mimoza-Kusari Lila said that she was having support for women while she mentioned other possibilities. “The Economic Chamber it is not in function or there is no representation that should have. The Law for Trade Societies has had a broad debate. There were the Lawmakers form Serbian and not-Serbina Minority that had the distinguishion 2-3 Votes to pass the law. There are only 12 Percent of Women in Stakeholder Societies that are on Boards”.
For Vlora Zhushi from Economic Chamber of Kosovo, said that if women continue to be out of labor market, then it should not be used their half of their economic potential.
“Women, who are active continue to face barriers to keep their Position at Work. Women have much possibility to be employed in sustanable work an informal Market. Women can be empewered through a safe einviorment at Work. The common aim of all is not only to increase the number of women in labor market, but also security”.
Vlora Nushi form “UN Women in Kosovo” said that pandemic COVID 19 ( and now the War in Ucraine are having impact in economic deveopment in general. “The achievements that were made in Legal Frame for Kosovo are for the countries in the Region to be admired. We are returning after, and we have unsued Labor Force”. By talking for the projects of organization that she is running, she said that there were cooperation with 16 Municipalities in the whole country so that the situation to be improved.
The situation of Communities has presneted data Isak Skenderi from organization “ The Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians”. “ Women have no support and they cannot raise their voice because they don’t have finacial means. Simply their tone how ever is inspiring, does not bring money. Acording to social data and economy at ethnic economies of marginalized groups Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian, they contine to live in Extreme Powerty, low educational level and high scale of unemployment, said Skenderi.
Nora Latifi-Jashari form GAP Institute said that “Women are graduating more than men, in Public and Private Universities. During studies, the professional priority is determined in the sector where women demand education and employment. So, the Labor Market is discriminating for women, there many obstacles for women who want to contribute in Economy.