Representatives of the Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister today met the Dean of Faculty of philosophy, Dashamir Berxulli
The Representatives of Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of Prime Minister met today the Dean of Faculty of Philosophy Mr. Dashamir Bërxulli. Participants in the meeting were, Chief of Psychological Department, Chief of Department for Social Work, Chief of Department of Sociology and the Students of Cathedra of Psychology, who were informed about the Mandate of AGE and they talked together for different issues as far as Gender Equality is concerned, Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence.
AGE gave for the Library of Faculty 20 Copies of translated Book in Albanian language “Gender Economics” of the author Joyce P. Jacobsen.
Also, during the day 230 Copies of the Book “Gender Economics” at Faculty of Economy will be used for th needs of the Students of this Faculty.