AGE has marked the 08 March, International Women Day dedicated and remembering Women Creators, Artists, University Professors and Journalists who broke the barriers in the field where they worked and build the history of our country with the face of Woman and don’t live anymore

The Agency foe Gender Equality has marked 08 March-International Women’s Day with dedication and remembering the women creators, Artists, University Professors and Journalist who broke the barriers in the field where they worked and buiold the histoty of our country with the face of woman, and who longer don’t live. This marking of 08 March is dedicaded remembering Nexhmije Pagarusha, Leze Qena, Suzana Çapriçi Burbuqe Rushiti, Violeta Rexhepagiqi, Burbuqe brisha, Vjosa Berishm Arzan kraja, Alije Vokshi, Edi Shukriu, Esma Mulla, teuta Tmava, Ardita Sylejmani, Sehiha Spahiu, Shahindere Bërlajolli,
AGE on this occasion has organized 3 discussion panels where the speakers were the women Creators, University Professor and Journalists who presented their personal experiences, obstacles, support or prejudice which they face in developing of their career.
The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Albin Kurti said today that women are facing many challenges and they are not treated same as their friends even after they die. In marking the Day from the Agency for Gender Equality, Kurti said that the responsibility of gender equality comes over men and it was proposed to put the names of women who build the history of our country in institutions and public spaces.
Within two years we have achieved to fulfill 18 out of 36 aim of program for gender equality, while added that women should be present near pupils and students as Authors. “Even after the death they are not being treated same as their friend’s colleagues. Like in many fields of equality, the responsibility of changing the situation is to men. Finally, the problem of inequality is created by men, so they have created and should solve it. Without equality there is no social equality to achieve this it is need education of men for gender equality. It is very important that pupils and students to have women authors and are present and with them. Education of generation, except moral education for gender Equality should be also cultural and esthetic education, Kurti said,
To make immortal the remembrance of women, according to Chief of Executive of Agency for Gender Equality, Edi Gusia it is done by putting their names of Institutions, Squares, Festivals, and public spaces.
“The Agency foe Gender Equality-Office of Prime Minister marking the 08 march is dedicated to Women Creators, Singers, Artist, Atavists, University Professors, and Journalists who broke the barriers in the field and build the history of our country with the face of Woman”. We wish that this meeting to help us to find a little creativity to review the history of our country with the face of woman, by making these ladies part of School textbooks who will inspire young generations of girls and boys till eternity in remembering the women by putting their names in institutions, squares, festivals and public spaces, she said.
Also, the speech was delivered by Deputy Prime Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Daulina Osmani.
Part of the first panel were women from Culture starting from Mrs. z Lejla Haxhiu- Pula, Professor of Piano-Faculty of Arts, Besa Llugiqi- Soprano, Blerta Zeqriri-Editor, Zake Prevlukaj- Professor of Painting - Faculty of Arts, Doruntina Basha- Dramaturges/ Scenarists. The second panel was consisted of Professors of Sociology-Faculty of Philosophy, Majlinda Daci- Ajvazi- Professor of Chemistry- Faculty of Natural Science, Ibadete Bytyqi- Scientist of Year 2021, Ardiana Gashi- Prof. Dr. Faculty of Economics-lecturer of subject Gender economics and the third and last panel was consisted of Saranda Ramaj- Journalist of KOHA Ditore, Kaltrina Rexhepi- Journalist of RTK, Gentiana Begolli-Pustina-Ex Head of KJA (Kosovo Journalist Association), Dafina Haliti- Journalist Kosovo 2.0.