The Agency for Gender Equality/ OPM has organized today the Workshop “Gender Integration in EU Integration
The Agency for Gender Equality/ OPM has organized the Workshop “Gender Integration in EU integration- initial session, which was developed within the project-The instrument for Gender Integration (Gender Equality Facility) GEF-the reform of Sector, strategy, plans, programs and the plans for recover/development after COVID 19 which are drafted with gender sensitivity in continual manner, completed by UN Women, Office in Kosovo and financed by European Union.
This workshop was having aim to inform and know the participation with gender integration in the process of integration in EU and harmonization with Gender Action Plan of EU (GAP II). One of main objective is development of knowledge, ability and capacities for participation to engage in gender integration harmonized with EU and identification of specific need of capacities of civil employers for gender integration in the process of integration in EU.
The participants in the Workshop were Officers form Agency for Gender Equality/OPM, Office for Coordination and Cooperation/OPM, Office for Strategic Planning/ OPM, Office for Coordination in the Process of Stabilization/ Association/ OPM, Department for Political Criteria/OPM, Legal Department/OPM, Department for European Integration and Coordination of Policies, Officers for Gender Equality in central level, the responsible Staff from IGE/GEF, UN Woman-Office in Kosovo as well as Officers from Department for European Integration and Coordination of policies as well as Department for Performance and Transparence of Municipalities as well as legal Department and Monitoring the Municipalities form MALG (Ministry of Administration and Local Governance