The Agency for Gender Equality (AGE) within the Office of PM in cooperaton with University of Prishtina “ Hsan Prishtina”, today have launched the Action Plan for Gender Equality 2023/ 4-2025 of University of Prishtina. The Launching was orgnaized within “16 Days of Activism”.
On this occassion Opening Remarks were made by the Rector of UP “Hasan Prishtina, Prof. Qerim Qerimi, Ambassador of Sweden, his Excellency Mr. Jonas Westerlund and Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Inavation Mrs. Arbërie nagavci..
While on the other part it was discussed the contribution on higher education and advancement of gender equality and prevention, protection and treatement of violence towards women. As a part of the panel on to the present persons spoke Mrs. Edi Gusia, Deputy Executive Director- Agencz for Gender Equalitz/ Office of PM, Prof. Alessandro Simoni, President- Uinversity of Firence, Prof. Dr. Aliriya Arënliu from the Law Faculty, Universitz of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”.
The presentation of Action Plan to the present persons was done by Prof. Ardiana Gashi, who stressed that the Action Plan consists four strategic objectives which aims to create the culture for gender equality, achiving the gender equliber in decision making/ leading positions, integration of gender prespective in Teaching, research work , novelty, protection, treatment and sexual abuse in University.
The Action Plan consists also the methodology, legal framework, gender profile of Personel in University of Prishtina, gender representation in descision-making posistions in Rectorate and Faculties, gender structure of Administrative Personel, gender structure of Students registered in 10 last years, gender structure of those who have benefit the scholarship offered by UP, integration of gender prespective in Study Programes as well as strategic objective of Action Plan for certain years.
The Action Plan was drafted by support of UN Women Office in Kosovo and Agency for Gender Equality/ Office of PM.