In the scope of executing the Project Instrument for Gender Equality in Kosovo- GEF financed by European Union and the Agency for Gender Equality- Office of Prime Minister supported by executing Partner UN Women are engaged on advancing the standards of gender equality and conditions set up with the Stabilization and Association Agreement between Republic of Kosovo and European Union.
The Protection of Right of Individual and the capacity for Public Administration to clearly understand and execute properly the legislation standards and policies of EU which are criteria’s which build the frame of the process for European Integration. Through this process, the progress Report of execution of Stabilization and Association Agreement in each sector which special ascent on gender equality form responsible institutions in central level with a importance to get undisputable benefit. Furthermore, it is an obligation withe this Agreement to measure the performance of each institution in execution of public policies of European Union.
On this Occasion informing session have been organized with General Secretaries in Ministries, Legal Directors and Director of Departments for European Integration and Coordination of Policies (DIEKP), related to subjects:
Monitoring and reporting of the progress of institutions in execution of integration criteria of EU, and the standards of gender equality